“For the first time…”, Muriel Robin and Anne Le Nen, the big surprise announcement

Muriel Robin has been in a relationship since 2006 with Anne Le Nen, with whom she entered into a civil partnership in December 2009 then married in February 2021. And this is the first time that Muriel Robin has shared a magazine cover with the woman of her life ! On October 30, 2023, 7 Days TV releases an exclusive interview with the couple.

“It’s not just any front page…”

For Jérémy Parayre, editorial director of the weekly, “It’s not just any front page…”specifying that the two women will speak in his columns about “their new series on TF1″, but also of “their love” and of “their projects”.

The comedian, who recently explained that the cinema had closed the door to her because she is homosexual, will soon be appearing in “Master Crimes“, a new fiction signed TF1. And on the first channel, she opposite her wife Anne Le Nen, in addition to Victor Meutelet, seen in “The Charity Bazaar” and Astrid Roos, seen in “My heroine“.

Muriel Robin, who was recently in “Eyes Wide Closed“, (also on TF1), a poignant TV film on incest, is back for a series, which this time will be made up of six 52-minute episodes, and which will be launched from next Thursday, November 9.

“I don’t make films because…”

As a reminder, September 16, 2023, in “What a time”Muriel Robin threw a wrench into the pond by declaring in front of Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne: “I don’t make films because I’m homosexual” And If you are homosexual you are not desirable, you are not penetrable. When we cannot be penetrated into this society, we are worthless. If you are old you are no longer penetrated, if you are ugly you are no longer penetrated. To penetrate and to desire are the same word.”


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