for the first time, Chris Rock comes out of silence, he evokes the slap of the actor and smashes him in full show!

It was March 27, already the cult sequence of the year 2022. Indeed, while Chris Rock presents the Oscars ceremony, he dares to joke about Jada Pinkett, suffering from alopecia, and her hair loss due to her illness. A joke that did not really amuse his companion Will Smith, especially when he realizes that his half does not sketch the slightest smile. Faced with his wife’s anger, the American actor gets up in the middle of Chris Rock’s speech to slap him.

A sequence that went around the world and which cost the person who was revealed by his role in “The prince of Bel-Air” in the 90s. Following his gesture, Will Smith was excluded for ten years from any Oscar ceremony… Aware of having exceeded the limits, he took the floor to apologize publicly, via his Instagram account.

Finally the version of Chris Rock

“I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. What I did was inappropriate and I was wrong”he confided at first before continuing his mea culpa: “My behavior last night at the Oscars was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are part of the job, but one joke about Jada’s health issue was too much for me and I reacted emotionally”. What about the “victim”? Indeed, so far, Chris Rock, who almost lost his hearing, has never commented on Will Smith’s inappropriate gesture.

Until today, or rather a few hours ago, during a given show in the State of New Jersey. For the first time, he evoked the slap and especially the pain felt. “Those who say words hurt have never been punched in the face. […] I am not a victim. Yeah, that shit hurt me, motherfucker”he blurted out before concluding: “But I got rid of that shit and went to work the next day. I’m not going to the hospital for a paper cut”. It remains to be seen whether in his rude words, the actor was referring to the slap, or directly to Will Smith…

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