for the authorities it is “zero tolerance” after the violence of this weekend

“We won’t give up”, “We will go all the way”, “it’s zero tolerance”. This Monday, September 12, the Mayor of Roanne, the Public Prosecutor, the Police Commissioner and the Deputy Prefect of Roanne were on the same tone. This weekend, Friday evening and Saturday evening, cars were set on fire in parts of the town, and firefighters and police were attacked. The authorities do not intend to let anything pass. Especially since, according to the Public Prosecutor, violence between young people also took place the previous weekend. All this against the backdrop of the fight against trafficking and incivility in the Saint-Clair and Parc districts.

“If necessary, I’ll pick them up at six o’clock in the morning at the foot of the bed!” (Roanne Public Prosecutor)

A first person was arrested, a sixteen-year-old teenager, but other investigations are underway, specifies the Public Prosecutor of Roanne. Abdelkrim Grini even addresses the perpetrators directly: __The people who should be concerned are the offenders. If necessary, I’ll go get them at six o’clock in the morning at the foot of the bed! We won’t let go and _We will come and get you and we will present you and we will bring you to justice”_he details.

Same story on the side of the municipality. The Mayor of Roanne assures that video surveillance should facilitate the task in ongoing investigations. He, for his part, says he is ready to go even further: “These young people who commit these acts of violence may not realize their seriousness, but they will realize it. when their families will be evicted from the homes that belong to the public landlord of which I am the president” says Yves Nicolin.

The mayor also asked police reinforcements both to maintain order and to reinforce the staff mobilized for investigations. A request studied closely by the prefecture assures the Deputy Prefect of Roanne, Hervé Gérin:“It is also a work of coordination. On the one hand, national police within it on the departmental level, even zonal, and also with the municipal police which will also adapt its mode of action”.

16-year-old arrested

A first person was arrested over the weekend. This is’a 16 year old who went to the hospital to have his injuries treated, in this case burns. During his police custody he admitted to having set fire to a car but he does not explain his gesture, he does not give a motive according to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Roanne.

What’s more, this young forestayt hitherto unknown to police and justice services. He will be tried by the Children’s Court on December 15, until then he is placed under judicial supervision.

According to the public prosecutor, two complaints were filed by individuals. On their side, thehe town hall of Roanne, Roannais Agglomeration and the SDIS 42 will also file a complaint.

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