for Sébastien Chenu, Valérie Pécresse is “the feminine double” of Emmanuel Macron, “it is Valérie Macron”

“Valérie Pécresse it’s the same path as Emmanuel Macron, it’s for me Valérie Macron“Said Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen and the National Rally, this Saturday on franceinfo.”It is her feminine double, the same schools, the same social universe, the same liberal, Europeanist tropism, her entire career attests to it.“, he added concerning the candidate Les Républicains in the presidential election.

The LRs, I’m just coming from, we saw them at work these people, during the elections we agitated Eric Ciotti, then when we govern, we govern with centrists, with an ideology that resembles that of ‘Emmanuel Macron“, estimated Sébastien Chenu.”Valérie Macron is Macron compatible“, he insisted, specifying that to call it like that said”all she is“and that”does not want to assume“.

We will discover it“, he warned.”When we discover people, we also discover who they are, their background, their profile, their methods, their teams when they have them and their program.“, continued Sébastien Chenu. According to him, if”Valérie Pécresse benefits from a boost“, it is because of”the novelty of his candidacy“.”The French are discovering it but I think this boost will not last“, he reacted to the latest polls which give the LR candidate second behind the head of state, despite the fact that he has not yet declared himself a candidate.

Moreover, for Sébastien Chenu, if Emmanuel Macron does not declare himself a presidential candidate, it is “because he wants to continue to use the means of the State to make his campaign last“.”He will be freewheeling if he is re-elected, freewheeling to do everything he has not done so far, that is to say to continue his work of deconstructing the French state, of our identity, our history, our balances, our social model“, he said.

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