FOR or AGAINST the idea of ​​leaving dandelions alone?

This week, Les As invite you to debate! We therefore present to you a subject that divides adults, teenagers and children. You will read arguments FOR and AGAINST this proposal. After reading, you will have enough information to form your own opinion! The topic of the hour: should we let dandelions grow or not?

Some people want to completely eliminate these little yellow flowers. Others beg us to let them grow to help the bees. There is even a “Dandelion Challenge” which invites people not to mow their lawn for the entire month of May. What do you think about it?

The arguments FOR

Food for the bees

Dandelions are among the first flowers to bloom in spring. They are a welcome source of energy for bees and other pollinating insects that become active after winter. And since there are a lot of them, the insects don’t have to exhaust themselves to find them.

It’s better for nature

A uniform, green lawn like a golf course does not exist in nature. To get one, you have to use chemical fertilizers and herbicides which can harm insects, animals and water.

We save time

Hunting dandelions is not easy! They are very sturdy and difficult to tear off. It’s a never-ending chore since they grow back quickly.

Arguments AGAINST

It’s ugly and invasive

Dandelions are not among the most beautiful flowers. And when we let them go, they end up literally invading the land by smothering the other plants.

There are other ways to help bees

You can very well mow your lawn AND help the insects. All we have to do is plant fruit trees or create flower beds on our land. Insects will find what they want there.

We have the right to do what we want on our land

If people don’t like dandelions, they have the right to pull them out. They are home, after all. Cities can set an example and decide not to mow the lawns in their parks.

And now, what do you think?

Caroline Bouffard

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