For Olivier Véran, the French “do not want” a dissolution of the National Assembly



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According to the government spokesman, a dissolution will only be considered in the event of “complete blockage of Parliament”.

The French “do not wish” a dissolution of the National Assembly. This was estimated by Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson, on Sunday November 6.. “I do not live in a frame of reference which would consist in giving an expiry date to the National Assembly that the French have entrusted to us”he defended on the set of the program “Sunday in politics” on France 3.

“I think the French have granted us a relative majority to push us to have transpartisan agreement approaches, to be able to get out of the postures a little”, insisted Olivier Véran. Emmanuel Macron had himself brandished in September the threat of a dissolution, only three months after the legislative elections, if the oppositions allied in a motion of censure to overthrow the government.

But such a decision by the President would only be taken in the event of “complete blockage of Parliament”, according to the government spokesman. Gold, “for the moment, we have none of the stigmata of this blockage”. “Every motion of censure that has been presented to Parliament wins fewer votes than the previous one”he added, arguing that there was no “no alternative majority to be proposed in the country”.

In this context, the government spokesperson appealed to the “republican right”, particularly in view of the future pension reform. The support of the Socialists is also hoped for on the text aimed at accelerating renewable energies, adopted at first reading in the Senate on Friday evening.

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