This former elected official from Colorado carries the Republican movement against Donald Trump. Considering that the former president participated in an insurrection and therefore cannot run for office, she did everything to remove his name from the party’s primary ballots.
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“Donald Trump: You have no business being on our ballots.” Norma Anderson’s tone is firm. This former Republican elected official from Colorado is at the origin of the complaint aimed at removing the name of the former American president from the party’s primary ballots. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in favor of this withdrawal, considering that Donald Trump participated in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 with the assault on the Capitol and that he therefore cannot run for office.
The billionaire responded by appealing to the United States Supreme Court in Washington, which did not render a decision within the deadline. The procedure has little chance of succeeding anyway, because six of the nine judges in Washington are conservative, including three appointed by Donald Trump himself. It will therefore be among the voters’ choices on Tuesday March 5 for Super Tuesday. This vote, which takes place in 15 American states, including Colorado, is the biggest meeting of the primaries which will nominate the candidates of the two main parties for the presidential election next November.
The Constitution as the basis of his fight
Norma Anderson, 91, was a Republican elected official for 20 years and was the first female majority leader in both Colorado houses. She retired in 2006 but she is still very informed and when she was asked to be the lead plaintiff in this action against the former president, she did not hesitate. “When I watched the January 6 insurrection, knowing that he was denying that Biden won the election… I may not like Biden, but he won and we have to acknowledge his defeat. don’t invade the Capitol, sorry! You’re an insurrectionist if you do that and you can’t run for officeshe explains. Donald Trump does not deserve to be president of the United States because he does not defend our democracy.”
The former Republican elected official bases this on the Constitution of the United States, a text of which she always keeps a copy in her handbag and another on a table, near her television. She wanted to show us her two copies, two small booklets of a few pages of which she has dog-eared the page from 14e amendment.
It is he who provides that those who have engaged in acts of rebellion after having taken an oath before the Constitution are excluded from the highest public functions: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress or an elector of the President and Vice-President, or hold any civil or military office in the United States.”, it reads, if, after taking the oath, he engaged in insurrection or rebellion. For her, Trump did indeed engage in an insurrection by calling on his supporters to invade the Capitol and persisting in contesting the result of the presidential election.
“If Donald Trump is nominated, I will write ‘Nikki Haley’. I will never vote for him. Ever.”
Norma Andersonat franceinfo
The prospect of seeing Donald Trump return to power scares Norma Anderson very much. “If Donald Trump wins, our democracy is lost. And that concerns me a lotshe says. He is a threat to democracy, without a doubt. He does not have the values necessary to be president. As he is a friend of Putin, Ukraine would not be helped at all. What will happen if Putin attacks a NATO country? Where are we going with Trump as president? It’s frightening.”
The former elected official with a quick mind and a firm handshake is not afraid for herself, she says she has received letters and emails of encouragement from all over the country. And if, as is emerging, Trump is the candidate nominated by the Republican Party, she will not vote for him in the presidential election in November: “I did not vote for Trump. If he is nominated, I will write ‘Nikki Haley’. I will never vote for him. Ever.”
Norma Anderson claims to be from the Republican Party of Lincoln and Reagan. She recalls that she was born four months before the election of Roosevelt, that she voted for the first time for Eisenhower, that she knew many presidents, that some she liked, others not, but that None had provoked an insurrection. Until Trump.