MEP Nathalie Loiseau judges that the Minister of the Interior was fair in his remarks, and invites everyone to “come to reason”
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For Nathalie Loiseau, guest this Thursday on franceinfo, Gérald Darmanin has “raison”. MEP Renew, political group of the presidential majority in the European Parliament, reacted to the remarks of the Minister of the Interior against the migration policy of the President of the Italian Council Giorgia Meloni. Words that prompted the head of Italian diplomacy, Antonio Tajani, to cancel his first visit to Paris on Thursday.
Nathalie Loiseau claims that Gérald Darmanin “pressed where it hurts”. She adds that far-right promises on immigration are a “lure”. For the deputy, Giorgia Meloni “was elected on this promise and Italy is no less in the grip of a migration crisis than it was with previous governments”. The former minister repeats, “the far right lies to its voters when it promises that all you have to do is vote for it to solve the problem. It’s not true”.
For Nathalie Loiseau, the solution against irregular immigration lies in a “strong cooperation at European level but the far right does not say so because they hate everything that comes from the European Union”.
Regarding what she describes as “diplomatic mini-crisis that Italy wants to trigger”the deputy answers and calls “everyone to come to their senses, come back to the table and really cooperate”.