The former President of the Republic paid tribute, Wednesday on Franceinfo, to the former President of the European Commission and figure of socialism, who died at the age of 98.
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“For many European leaders, it is a reference, a model that is disappearing”. This tribute is that of François Hollande to Jacques Delors, the former president of the European Commission and historic figure of the Socialist Party, who died at the age of 98. It was “a man who, through his own commitment, has long wanted a Europe that is solid”said the former President of the Republic, Wednesday December 27 on franceinfo.
Death of Jacques Delors: François Hollande’s tribute on franceinfo
It was “a man who, through his own commitment, has long wanted a Europe that is solid”. One Europe “which can have a market, a currency, a political capacity, a democratic space”. For François Hollande, “from this point of view”Jacques Delors “made the essential choices, even if it was his successors who translated them.”
In terms of domestic politics, “if there is a reference for French-style social democracy, it is Jacques Delors, a man who came through trade unionism, the CFTC then the CFDT, having held positions in the State. He had the concern for dialogue, compromise, gradual action to change what seemed necessary to him”, greeted François Hollande. As “he was concerned with realism” policy.
The renunciation of the 1995 presidential election experienced as “a considerable shock”
“He had his own line: that of French-style socialism. He had drawn up a quasi-program of what traced the path to what we called French-style social democracy”, adds François Hollande. He remembers Jacques Delors’ resignation on December 11, 1994, for the 1995 presidential election when he was a favorite in the polls. That evening he was “like many French people watching Anne Sinclair’s show” and had the“hope”. “It’s true that it was a considerable shock”, says François Hollande. According to him, Jacque Delors gave birth to hope “in a period when the left was in very difficulty”. So, “the fact that he is high in the polls, the very fact that he could be seen as being able to beat the favorite, Édouard Balladur at the time… All this has meant that the left has regained confidence, even if he gave up”.
“Jacques Delors was a political intellectual. He showed that it was possible to change a society, to make sure that we listened to it more, to carry an idea of solidarity, of harmony, but also of recognition diversity of this society. He understood that there was a demand for cohesion, solidarity, reconciliation.”
François Hollande, former President of the Republicat franceinfo
The former socialist president considers that the “non-application” by Jacques Delors “was a warning shot for the left and forced it to put itself in good order. Finally, it was Lionel Jospin who picked up the baton and who made it possible to achieve a very honorable score in the presidential election of 1995, then this victory in the legislative elections of 1997. All this is due, indirectly, to what Jacques Delors did.. François Hollande concludes by defining Jacques Delors in one word: “The sense of negotiation and compromise… One word is commitment.”