Interviewed on franceinfo on Friday, Manuel Valls also attacked the posture of the leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, since the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7.
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For Manuel Valls, the National Rally has not changed. While the far-right party will participate in the march against anti-Semitism organized on Sunday in Paris, the former Prime Minister affirmed Friday, November 10 in the program “#OnVousRépond” on franceinfo channel 27, that “Mr. Bardella’s hesitations [président du RN] concerning the anti-Semitism of Jean-Marie Le Pen show that this party is struggling to break with its past. Jordan Bardella recognized Thursday on CNews a “clumsiness” after having affirmed on Sunday on BFMTV that he “didn’t think Jean-Marie Le Pen was anti-Semitic”.
“There are a certain number of executives, deputies, former bookstore managers [avec] fascist, far-right, anti-Semitic, revisionist booksadded the former Socialist Interior Minister. There is obviously this aroma, this past, these roots which are there.” He denounces on this subject “normalization maneuvers and strategies” of the RN.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy “leads to anti-Semitism”
Manuel Valls also attacked the posture of the leader of La France insoumise since the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7. “Yes, unfortunately, today, Jean-Luc Mélenchon makes comments/has an attitude/is anti-Semitic”he estimated.
“When we regularly participate in demonstrations that shout hatred of Jews, of France or even of Israel (…) this political strategy of alliance with political Islam leads to anti-Semitism”added Manuel Valls.
“In addition to the strategy of alliance between the extreme left and the Islamists, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is pursuing another objective, that is the victory of Marine Le Pen” in the next presidential election, declared Manuel Valls. According to the latter, the LFI leader thus believes that “from the chaos created by the election of Marine Le Pen, he could become the leader” of the fight against the extreme right.
La France insoumise announced that it would not participate in the march against anti-Semitism, in particular because of the presence of the National Rally.