for lack of sufficient donations, the International Red Cross fears “no longer having the means to help the populations”

What there is to know

Increasing needs but decreasing donations. For the first time in 160 years of history, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) fears a financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude. He could miss up to a quarter of the budget he plans for 2023. “If this is confirmed, we will no longer have the means to help the populations in the most difficult places to access, where our presence is the most important”says its general manager Robert Mardin, on the airwaves of RTS, Tuesday, March 7. Follow our live.

“ATno part of Ukraine can be abandoned” to the Russians. Volodymyr Zelensky asks his military commanders to do everything to defend Bakhmout, the epicenter of the fighting in the east of the country. “I told the staff to find the appropriate forces to help the guys”said the Ukrainian president in his daily video, Monday evening.

Significant Russian losses in Bakhmout. According to NATO intelligence, Russia lost five times more soldiers in this battle than Ukraine. This North Atlantic Alliance military official, who speaks on condition of anonymity to CNN (link in English)also claims that Ukraine suffers significant losses while defending the city.

A new Commander-in-Chief in Ukraine. By decree of President Zelensky issued on Monday, theGeneral Oleksandr Oleksiyovych has been appointed Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armies. He was previously Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

kyiv calls for an investigation into the alleged execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war. The head of Ukrainian diplomacy demands an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) after the broadcast of a video showing, according to him, a Ukrainian prisoner of war executed by Russian soldiers. “Horrifying video of an unarmed Ukrainian POW being executed by Russian forces for simply saying ‘Glory to Ukraine’. Further proof that this war is genocidal”commented Dmytro Kouleba on Twitter.

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