for his political return, Jean-Luc Mélenchon launches a general appeal against the policy of Emmanuel Macron

Elisabeth Borne says nonsense: Jean-Luc Melenchon has held an offensive back-to-school speech, in front of 5,000 people, gathered at a large meeting before closing the summer universities of the left. After two months of absence, the one who is no longer a deputy and did not participate in the July parliamentary session, but who keeps his hand with the Insoumis, spoke on Sunday August 28, 2022 in Chateauneuf-sur-Isère, near Valence, in the Drôme, where the “summer AMFiS” end.

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The rebellious leader took the opportunity to launch the general call for mobilization against the policy of Emmanuel Macron, with, in mind, the idea of ​​​​maintaining a duel at a distance before the return to social life. After having held back since the last elections, Jean-Luc Mélenchon goes to the front against the President of the Republic: “How dare he speak of abundance? It’s been five years since this man emptied everyone’s pockets, it’s a kind of ghost of the 19th and 20th century who appeared there, on his jet-ski! He came to tell us plenty, but there was never any!

The rebellious leader also attacks the Prime Minister after her interview in Le Parisien Today in France: “Madame Borne just woke up“, he denounces. Thus, to lower prices and give purchasing power to the French, Jean-Luc Mélenchon retains that Élisabeth Borne “says that some companies have made commitments and that she will ensure that they are respected“. And he replies: “She says nonsense! Since when does the government observe companies’ commitments to force them to keep them? It is in the relationship between trade unions and employers’ organizations that such control takes place after having signed agreements.“And if the Prime Minister has declared that she “does not close the door” to a taxation of the “superprofits” of companies, the leader of the Insoumis insists: “We do the doors, we tend to push them down but, let’s face it, we’ll do ‘knock knock’.

Don’t expect me to pat your head, that’s not my style, you have to get in on the fight! You must be passionate about this world, and revolutionizing it is your task!

Jean-Luc Melenchon

during his speech at the summer “AMFiS” of insubordinate France

The tone is set and calculated: Jean-Luc Mélenchon gives the first blow, before an expected speech by Elisabeth Borne on the energy transition in front of the Medef, Monday. A clear way, too, to prepare minds for a permanent showdown with the government: “No arrangement, no compromise, we continue in a political struggle… Let’s create a new popular front to overturn the table!“launches the Insoumis, which recalls this plan to march against the high cost of living with the forces of the Nupes in mid-October.

One question remains: were these summer universities useful to the left? Yes, to consolidate the political forces within the Nupes, first. Federate the activists of the four formations around this coalition on the left born in the legislative elections, then. Its representatives have played a little at the VRPs over the past four days, with a short tour of France, for moments common to the four summer universities of the four formations, meeting in Blois with the PS, in Strasbourg with the PCF, in Grenoble with the ecologists, then, here, near Valence with the Insoumis.

Proof that this “sacred union” of the left continues, even after the legislative elections: the socialist Pierre Jouvet conquered the crowd, before the meeting of Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “I want to tell you the pleasure that is mine to be invited to conclude the summer universities of insubordinate France, so much, for years, the PS was rather accustomed to closing the summer universities of the Medef… But you see, the rupture, it is there! Long live the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, long live the left, and long live France!“, he launched to applause.

Behind this display, it is also and above all a question of supporting the Nupes, to strengthen it a few days before a muscular return, where the arm wrestling will increase between the opposition, the majority, and its reforms of the unemployment insurance and pensions. But this weekend also served to take stock of the internal challenges of the four parties. Among which: to try to appease the divisions among the socialists, to simplify the organization of the ecological pole among the greens, to bring more democracy to the Insoumis, and, for the communists, to continue to cultivate the singularity of the PCF within the coalition from the left.

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