for his first trip, Gabriel Attal goes to a school burned down during the riots

Gabriel Attal does not want to waste time, just over a month before the start of the school year. Barely invested as new Minister of National Education, the former government spokesman made his first trip, Friday July 21. He is expected at the elementary school of Bois-de-l’Etang in the town of La Verrière (Yvelines), from 3 p.m. This school was burnt down during the recent riots, after the death of young Nahel. Gabriel Attal must visit the school renovation site and the first degree regional school, which must temporarily accommodate the students of the burnt establishment, until the work is completed. Follow our live.

“Being a minister is not speaking in the post”. Emmanuel Macron warned the members of his new government on Friday morning. to be a minister, “is to implement decisions”, Hammered Emmanuel Macron, during a speech at the opening of this first Council of Ministers after the reshuffle. He also gave his guidelines for the rest of the quinquennium.

A list given by the Elysée after several days of waiting. While many names were given drop by drop on Thursday afternoon, the presidency ended up formalizing the list of the new government on Thursday around 8 p.m. Of the 41 ministers in the new government, there are 21 women and 20 men, including the head of government, Elisabeth Borne. Women, however, remain less well served than men, as they are less chosen to be full-time ministers.

Significant challenges for new ministers. By becoming, at 34, the youngest Minister of National Education of the Fifth Republic, Gabriel Attal is one of the big winners of the cabinet reshuffle. But major projects await it. Jumbled up, he will have to succeed in attracting candidates to the teaching profession, improving the fight against school bullying and continuing the overhaul of the baccalaureate.

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