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Éric Zemmour spoke with the France Televisons teams during a trip to Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle). The candidate, who strongly criticized Emmanuel Macron’s program, says to himself “convinced“to be in the second round of the presidential election.
Journalist Jean-Baptiste Marteau met Éric Zemmour in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), Saturday March 19. The candidate (Reconquest!) in the presidential election reacts to the program of Emmanuel Macron, who wishes to toughen the conditions of the right of asylum. “He promises in this campaign the very opposite of what he did not do during the five years of his mandate.“, judge Éric Zemmour. “We’ve been hearing this for 20 years. To reduce the means, there are only two recourses, which I propose myself: one, that they are done outside French territory, (…) two, to reduce the cases of asylum“, he adds.
“With Madame Pécresse, they have the same program“, continues Éric Zemmour, who defends his “consistency“and recalls wanting to be”the candidate of the struggle against the great replacement“. To improve purchasing power, he offers the return of working more to earn more, or the zero charge bonus. Finally, Éric Zemmour says to himself “convinced“to be in the second round of the presidential election.”I think I apprehend the deep current of the French people“, he advances.