for Éric Dupond-Moretti, LFI wants “the vote of bearded men” and Jean-Luc Mélenchon “has decided to destroy the Republic”

Guest of France Inter, the Minister of Justice accused Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his movement La France insoumise of electoral aims, regarding their refusal to qualify Hamas as terrorist.

La France insoumise (LFI) wants “the bearded people’s vote”accuses the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti, Sunday October 15 in the program “Political Questions” on France Inter and franceinfo channel 27, in partnership with The world. He criticizes the movement for its electoral aims, in the context of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Regarding the offensive of the Islamist organization on the Jewish state, the main leaders of LFI spoke of “war crimes” and refused to label the Palestinian movement “terrorist”.

“LFI, as I see it since I have been Minister of Justice, since I have been attending Parliament, it is a long drifthe laments. We have a man who is not devoid of talent, who is not devoid of culture, whose name is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who was a senator and minister for four decades.”, he recalls. This last “fed the Republic, and the Republic fed him.” “Then one day he decided to destroy it”asserts Éric Dupond-Moretti.

“First he attacked judges and police officers, he was convicted for that”continues the Minister of Justice, in reference to the agitated search at the headquarters of LFI in 2018. “Afterwards, [son message sur X] ‘the police kill’. Then, we do not condemn the rioters as we naturally should condemn them. Then, his minions insult a minister as a murderer, another puts his foot on the head of a minister”, he lists. Here, he refers to the remarks of deputy Aurélien Saintoul in the Assembly and to a gesture by his colleague Thomas Portes, both directed against the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt.

“Here they are incapable, he and his minions Mathilde Panot and Monsieur [Manuel] Bompard, to say that Hamas is a terrorist movement, that in the Hamas charter there is the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews”accuses Eric Dupond-Moretti.

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