for Emmanuel Macron, “we must move” on the allowance for disabled adults

The president-candidate recognizes an “aberrant situation” for people with disabilities, so we will move him,” he promised.

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“We have to move on this point” of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), agreed the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, candidate for his re-election, Friday April 15 on franceinfo. Currently, the income of the spouse is taken into account in the calculation of this assistance. Its maximum amount was reassessed to €919.86 on April 1st.

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“What is true today is that whatever the benefit, the tax and social system is thus made in France, which is fair enough, it is that we look at your family situation, we look at the capacity to contribute to the couple”, explained the president.

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“What is true is that it creates an aberrant situation for people with disabilities, so we are going to move it”he continued. “There are several answers, either do this [déconjugaliser l’AAH]or to have an income which allows support but which is not conditioned, that there is not this ax which is absurd today, there are plenty of people with disabilities who have it”he said.

So far, the government has always come out against “deconjugalization”. The oppositions have several times put the project to the vote in the Assembly but it has always been rejected. The current calculation leads some people with disabilities to choose between living as a couple at the risk of seeing their allowance reduced, or keeping it but legally renouncing their union. “This price of love is unacceptable”, judged the communist Stéphane Peu.

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