for David Beliard, deputy mayor of Paris, it is also “a social policy”



Video length: 15 min

SUV in Paris: “if we want to have a policy in favor of ecology, we must also have a social policy” for David Beliard

While Parisians were called to the polls this Sunday, February 4, to vote on the parking price of SUVs, David Beliard, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of transport and Pierre Chasseray, spokesperson for the association 40 million motorists, were the guests of 19/20. – (franceinfo)

While Parisians were called to the polls this Sunday, February 4, to vote on the parking price of SUVs, David Beliard, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of transport and Pierre Chasseray, spokesperson for the association 40 million motorists, were the guests of 19/20.

David Beliard, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of transport, defended this vote, regretting a “tendency of manufacturers to make cars increasingly heavier, more and more cumbersome, especially in a city like Paris, more and more dangerous and which go against our objectives in terms of climate“He said he wanted.”raise the debate with the parking price lever“.

Asked about the environmental impact of SUVs, David Beliard “thinks that if we want to have a policy in favor of ecology, we must also have a social policy“He explains that the vote targets vehicles.”the most expensive” And “the heaviest“.

“When vehicles are bigger, they pollute more”

Pierre Chasseray, spokesperson for the 40 million motorists association, disputes the fact that SUVs pollute more: “OWe’re going to take an old Twingo, a Twingo is small, from twenty years ago, in diesel, this car pollutes between 1,000 and 10,000 times more than any vehicle that comes out today, SUV or not.

For him, the Paris City Hall has “smoked out the Parisians“, he refers to the voting poster where it is written: “More or fewer SUVs?“He says get on.”instead of Parisians“who come to vote:”No no sir the vote is not that, the vote is: do you want to charge more for other people’s cars?“He adds that”no one is going to say no since it doesn’t concern residential parking!David Beliard assures for his part that “when vehicles are bigger, they pollute more“. It is based on figures from Airparif, a French organization approved by the Ministry of the Environment for monitoring air quality in the Île-de-France region. According to the association, on pollution of the air linked to the automobile, two thirds are linked to the flaring of the brakes, or “the slower a vehicle is, the greater the flare, the more nanoparticles it emits“, he explains. “You don’t have to have studied high school to understand that the heavier you make vehicles, the more energy you need, the more materials you need.“.

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