for Bruno Retailleau, Aurélien Pradié cannot remain number 2 in the party if he does not vote for pension reform

The boss of the senators of the Republicans believes that “we must stop the one-upmanship” while the deputy of Lot seeks to obtain guarantees on long careers from the government.

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For Bruno Retailleau, the boss of Les Républicains senators, Aurélien Pradié will have to leave his post as executive vice-president of the party “if he does not vote for the postponement of the legal age” pension reform. Asked by The Sunday newspaperSunday February 12, the senator of Vendée estimates that“we must stop the bidding”.

Elected deputy for Lot on a line of “popular right”Aurélien Pradié is indeed asking for guarantees on long careers, to the chagrin of certain Republican colleagues, who are worried about the credibility of the party if it prevents the adoption of a text containing many markers from the right.

“Being on the right is not being a little less on the left than the left.”

Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate

in “The Sunday Journal”

“If the government accepted the 43 annuities for all those who started working before the age of 21, on the sole condition that they had contributed one quarter, that would derail the reform”he adds about the negotiations led by Aurélien Pradié.

The Senate is preparing to examine the text

While the text arrives on February 27 in the Senate, “we have decided to open up as many days of debate as possible so that the Senate has time to examine this reform in depth”continues Bruno Retailleau, who intends to make several proposals, in particular that women who have raised at least three children “have a choice: work until age 64 and benefit from a bonus on their pension, or opt for early retirement at age 63”.

“We will defend a survivor’s pension for orphaned disabled children” And “we also want to shift the age for canceling the discount for special diets by two years”also informs the senator in The Sunday Journal. As for the introduction of a capitalization share, “we will open this debate”, promises Bruno Retailleau again.

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