for Aurélie Lienhart, it has become “a real business”



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Aurélie Lienhart, member of the Sport Business Observatory, was the guest of 23h de franceinfo to discuss the astronomical sums paid to athletes, in particular in the world of football.

We have never talked so much about money in sport.We talk a lot about money and amounts with in particular the figures that are announced for Kylian Mbappé to stay at PSG“, begins Aurélie Lienhart, consulting partner at In&Sport and member of the Sport Business Observatory. “Sport today beyond the practice has become a real business in which you have a real professionalization of the different people whether on marketing, but also on the financial aspects and on the HR part. So today we are really in an economic sector in its own right“, she continues.

Normally it is regulated. But the rule of fair play has been revisited, “in particular through this economic crisis that sport suffered” during the Covid-19 pandemic. “Today, we have the right to have a deficit and there are three years that are left to the club to allow it to get back into balance“, specifies Aurélie Lienhart. Finally, with this juicy contract, Qatar establishes its influence even more in the Parisian club. A way for this country which will host the World Cup at the end of the year, to continue the exercise of his “soft-power“.

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