for “all hunters, one death is always one death too many”, regrets Thierry Coste

“It’s not a problem of age”, reacted Sunday on franceinfo Thierry Coste, political adviser to the National Federation of Hunters (FNC), after the death of a hiker in a hunting accident, Saturday February 19, in Cassaniouze (Cantal). Aged 25, this Aveyronnaise was killed by a stray bullet during a wild boar beat. A 17-year-old hunter was identified by the gendarmes, and placed in police custody, announces the Aurillac prosecution. She is suspected of being the source of the shooting which caused the death of this hiker.

“The person who is concerned had training. The training is delivered by the State, it is something very strict with the mastery of the weapon, the knowledge of the weapon”, specifies Thierry Coste. He does not want the age for obtaining a hunting license to increase from 16 to 18, as he recalls that, “in most cases, polemics say, hunters are too old”. For the political adviser of the FNC, there was, in the accident of Cantal, “a problem of reacting to a situation”. It is on this point that hunters “must work”.

He specifies that there will be Monday “a meeting with all the nature recreation federations to see how we can even better pass on information instructions to other nature users”. The FNC has also called on hunting companies “to remind the instructions” and for “mobilize” from this sunday “all hunters, because we have to realize that one death is always one death too many”.

“We have reduced the number of accidents considerably and we will continueinsists Thierry Coste. We are determined. We are the first to be affected.”

“We don’t want people to think that we can’t go for a walk in nature when there are hunts. We don’t want this psychosis.”

Thierry Coste

at franceinfo

He recalls that “in places where there are far too many walkers, there are rules. And sometimes there is a ban at such a time because there are too many walkers, in state forests in particular. So there must be reasonable”. “Today, there are tens of thousands of people who will go out into the wild while we hunt and it will go very well”adds Thierry Coste.

The political advisor of the FNC also underlines that the world of hunting “does not take a particular position” at election time. “But he often takes a stand against those who hate us or want us to disappear.” A few weeks before the presidential election, he thus points to Yannick Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon who “totally refuse dialogue with the world of hunting and hold speeches without any consultation, asking for our disappearance. It is certain that those will not have much support”.

And while Yannick Jadot calls for“emergency” after the death of the hiker in Cantal, believing that it is necessary “no more regulating this activity”Thierry Coste calls him to be “reasonable”.

“There are 22 deaths per year with scooters in the three major cities of France. Is he asking for a ban, or is he asking for the days to be shared between scooters, bicycles and walkers in the cities? We must stop.”

Thierry Coste

at franceinfo

“This tragedy is a disaster for the people who live it”adds Thierry Coste. “And so we absolutely have to continue to work hard.”

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