For a real birth rate policy in Quebec

According to figures from the Institut de la statistique du Québec for 2021, 81,850 children would be born in Quebec in 2020. This is 2.79% less than in 2019. With 81,850 children for an estimated population of 8 , 55 million inhabitants in Quebec in 2020, we obtain a birth rate of 9.57 births per 1,000 inhabitants. This is the lowest birth rate since 1900 and probably in the history of Quebec. To make a comparison, the 8.5 million inhabitants of Quebec in 2020 produced a number of children similar to the 2.1 million Quebecers in 1913. Moreover, according to statistics from the Ministère de la Famille of the Government of Quebec from 1er July 2020, 590,090 families had one child (45.8%), 495,0500, 2 children (38.5%), and 201,405, 3 or more children (15.6%).

Very revealing figures, which clearly illustrate the alarming drop in the birth rate in Quebec and the high number of families with one or two children (84.3%). If the trend continues, the population of Quebec is doomed to an alarming gradual decline.

However, there may be a solution to this phenomenon of declining birth rates in Quebec, namely to set up a real birth rate policy. But how do you get there? For example, granting a substantial tax credit on the birth of a child during the first six years of its life to all parents with a family income of less than $ 60,000, offering another tax credit for children during their stay in daycare, offer subsidized programs for children wishing to register for sports or cultural activities, establish free public transport for low-income families, establish universal standards subsidized funds promoting the adoption of a child, etc.

In fact, Quebec is ripe to set up a real birth rate policy offering incentives for a social climate conducive to the birth of children, for the greater good of the Quebec nation.

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