For a new strong and open left in France

In France, the creation of the New Popular Front (NFP) has been a fantastic boost to renew the left. This momentum must not be lost. In the immediate future, it is time to prevent a total victory of the fascist far right that would complete the enterprise of destruction of the Republic begun by Emmanuel Macron.

Withdrawals, vote transfers, the necessary must be done. And it will be less difficult to do if it is accomplished in the perspective and preparation of a second great fight: the recomposition of a demanding, broad and unifying left, without moral compromises, without clientelism, without forgetting this large part of the people who, abandoned by all, have allowed themselves to fall into hatred and have embraced the National Rally (RN) as one would dig their own grave.

All the goodwill that has risen magnificently after the announcement of the dissolution are the seeds of a new forest to grow. Our country is not limited to its cities and suburbs. It is its entire territory that must be revived by re-establishing an active left, a left that loves and defends France in all its popular components. This is the vocation of the left. To work with the people, without patronizing them or regimenting them following a leader, but in a truly democratic dynamic.

The great popular movements of recent years, Nuit Debout, the Yellow Vests, have shown this aspiration of the people of France to manifest themselves in their reality, quite different from the representations given by the media and politicians who rely only on one or two of its components. These movements have been crushed and rendered invisible where the bourgeois bloc has always wanted to keep the people. Crushed by the violence of an increasingly contemptuous and police-based State. And returned to impotence because they were not sufficiently supported by a political structure, by a structured left, possessing the means of combativeness.

They ended up invisible, but the beings of flesh and blood who made them come into being and live are still there. A force that only asks to be revived and supported by a real left, animated by the love of life, the love of country, the search for respect for others, dialogue without pretense or Machiavellian calculation.

Recompose and rebuild

In short, the exact opposite of what the bourgeois bloc imposes, unfortunately supported in this by a part of the left that is adrift, fueled by hatred, the cult of the leader, low blows, and unworthy provocations.

This part of the left that has abandoned the values ​​of the left, we must separate ourselves from it. What is true for private life is true in political life, there is no other solution to toxic relationships than separation. Separations are painful, we always have something to lose, but this something, ultimately, is worth losing when the toxicity has become irreparable.

Yes, recompose and rebuild the left, with all the people of France, make it live and grow on the ground. Take the time it takes, but without delay. Get to work right away, or right after July 7. Emmanuel Macron has scuttled himself, his destructive impulses having turned against him. This is also what awaits Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whose same authoritarian mechanism we see at work, the same bloated ego, the same destructive impulses that can only lead to a fatal outcome: withdrawal followed by collapse.

Yes, to recompose and rebuild an open left, open to all its components of good will, open to dialogue, to synergy, to invention. Open also to Europe and to the world, open to conversation and to work with other lefts of Europe and the world. A left reoriented not primarily on this or that part of the world, but on the whole planet, the whole of humanity and of the whole order of life that the deadly excesses of an unbridled liberalism threaten. A left in labor, like a woman giving birth. A nourishing left too, generous, sharing, moral, bringing material and mental well-being.

A playful, dreamy, inventive, curious left. Determined, invincible and joyful to be so.

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