“For a moment you have to know how to suffer in silence”

Dealing with grief after the death of a loved one is not easy. Even people who are usually strong morally face many difficulties in such a situation. And it is probably not Lââm who will say the opposite. The artist announcing a few months ago the death of her husband, Robert Suber, who “suffered the martyrdom of pancreatic cancer to vomit his feces for 26 days in terrible horrible suffering awaiting his death, very thin”.

Since then, the interpreter of Little sister is not doing better and his messages posted on social networks prove it. “No I’m not well, I’ll never be well again. I eat to forget. I laugh to survive nothing more. I’m expecting a heart attack. Thanks for your messages. Hugs and good evening.”, she wrote this Thursday, January 6, alerting all her fans fearful of the worst. A very disturbing text that Lââm deleted very quickly before speaking and explaining himself in his words, this Friday, January 7 on Instagram.

“There’s no need to worry. Thank you. I get asked every day if I’m fine, that’s nice”, she said before continuing: “Well no, I’m not doing well. But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to open my veins with a laam (sic). To wait for death, to wait for one’s turn, to wait for a heart attack, that doesn’t mean to commit suicide. I’m waiting to join my husband. There’s nothing serious to say that. And no need for blah blah caring bears, comments. Thank you. I am 50 years old, I am an adult “. Sylvie Ortega, Sheila’s former daughter-in-law, knew the same situation in 2017 recalled our colleagues from here is. She therefore wanted to react to Lââm’s message but not really to support him, on the contrary …

“Forgive me Lââm, but with all due respect for you, you post insane, disturbing and depressing messages that alert us all!”, she began before showing herself a bit “violent” in her words, no doubt to make the artist react: “I know it’s the pain that makes you do this, but by doing this you keep your fans feeling sorry for you. Because honestly, from you to me, it’s not the ‘courage’ the ‘be forte ‘and others who will take away your pain! A moment you have to take it upon yourself and know how to suffer in silence “… Not sure that this lifts the morale of the interpreter of “Little Sister” but it will undoubtedly have the merit of making her react.

To see also: Sylvie Ortega dészingue Loana on Instagram… And it’s violent!


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