For a concrete commitment of foundations to Quebec society

This is no longer to be proven, the COVID-19 pandemic has had major repercussions on many sectors of society, which has created an even deeper chasm of inequalities than before within the Quebec community. A consensus is now clear: the recovery must imperatively aim to correct these imbalances. The health and well-being of the population depend on it more than ever.

Our governments are currently facing the need to rethink the social safety net to correct certain flaws revealed by the pandemic. Although the State must remain the central actor in any large-scale effort to reduce social and economic inequalities, philanthropic foundations are also called upon to act even more and better to contribute to an inclusive and equitable recovery, always respecting of their distinct role in relation to the state.

We believe that it is necessary to integrate an angle of analysis of inequalities in all our efforts. I am part of a collective of foundations that make concrete commitments to ensure the consistency and impact of their actions to reduce inequalities. By adhering to the declaration “To fight inequalities, commitments for philanthropy”, we commit to:

1- demonstrate our real contribution to the common good by reporting on our action to the public, and by continuously committing ourselves to improving the effect and consistency of our action;

2- ensure that our mission, values ​​and support priorities aim to reduce socio-economic gaps;

3- adopt practices aimed at better putting our power and resources at the service of the groups and communities we seek to support, and in particular the communities which work to transform the conditions that exclude and marginalize them;

4- directing our investments in order to support financial and social practices that mitigate or reduce inequalities.

By making these commitments, we aim to strengthen our contribution to reducing inequalities. The effects of this commitment will not fail to be observed over the coming months and years – in our relationships with our partners, in our investment and reinvestment choices, and in our choices of support for organizations and communities.

On this Philanthropy Day, we hope that other philanthropic foundations will join us and accept this challenge as well.

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