Footballer Sven Botman confirms his departure from LOSC

Thank you LOSC for everything!“It is in a message posted this Tuesday, June 28 on Instagram that the Dutch defender Sven Botman confirms his departure from the Lille club. He must commit to the English Premier League club Newcastle.

In a video, Sven Botman looks back on his best moments spent at LOSC, where he stayed two seasons, and with whom he won the title of champion of France. He had been recruited in 2020 for 8 million euros. Last season, Botman scored three Ligue 1 goals but missed 11 games due to injury.

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The defender was seen on Monday in London, and is having his medical visit this Tuesday. According to the British press, Newcastle paid for this transfer a few 40 million euros.

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The rumor of his departure to an English club had already emerged in 2021before being denied by the president of LOSC Olivier Létang on the antenna of France Bleu Nord.

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