Football Manager 2022, the ultra-realistic game to become a coach of real players

The principle of Football Manager 2022, released Monday, November 8 on PC, is simple. You are a coach, you can buy and sell very real players like Kylian Mbappé, Dimitri Payet, but also for example Benti Traoré, midfielder of Trélissac, in 4th division.

In total, there are 8,000 players in the French Football Manager database, each with its own characteristics. “First name, last name, nationality, date of birth, height, voice”, explains David, one of the database managers in France. “That kind of basic info that you always try to get when you create a player.”

Then we must rate the players with a score out of 20 for speed, technique, quality of strike. It’s easy for gamers who are on TV every weekend. But for the others, you have to go to the edge of the field. “When I go to see a game, I always have a notebook handy. I’ll write down some info. I’ll see right away if he’s faster than his defender or not.”, says Ludovic, another manager. Over the hours of play, the player spotted at the edge of the handrail may become, virtually, a player of the France team.

“Obviously there are players who are going to be much better than we would have thought. There are players who are less good than expected. That’s what makes the charm of the game!”

Ludovic, responsible for the player base

to franceinfo

Kylian Mbappé, for example, appeared in the game when he was 16 years old and he was already a potential international future. Last year’s opus, Football Manager 2021, was downloaded by more than a million people around the world.

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