Football – Ligue 1 – David Guion: “I did not wait for this match to believe in maintaining”

A slight smile in the introduction, the impression of a job well done. This is the image of David Guion, the Bordeaux coach after the match at Pierre Mauroy, Saturday evening, during the draw between Lille and Bordeaux (0-0). While there are eight league games left before the epilogue of the season, Bordeaux has given itself the right to continue to believe in it. Despite a numerical inferiority following the two warnings received by Kwateng in barely fifteen minutes, synonymous with expulsion (35th). But, the Bordelais were able to show solidarity so as not to concede a goal. A first clean sheet this season for the Bordelais, who remain last in Ligue 1, but are still in the race for a crazy comeback in the race for maintenance. By receiving Metz next Sunday, Bordeaux will have to improve with a success to really start its race for maintenance. Post-match interview, with David Guion.

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This draw, a result that gives hope for the future?

David Guion : “It’s the point of solidarity. As we said with the players, we had to show a lot of solidarity, in relation to everything that had happened in recent days. It’s a match that the We got off to a very good start. I really liked our first half hour, 11 against 11. We did what we said, we found the spaces, we managed to get the ball back up well. We were really well in our match. And afterwards, there is, again, this fact of the game. We know that in our position, and we see it in each match, the refereeing is regularly unfavorable to us. On the first fault that the referee whistles, there is no fault. There is simply commitment, but it’s football, it’s duels, it’s normal. It’s a very very very severe expulsion. Despite everything that, the players remained united, welded. Afterwards, we obviously suffered. We showed a lot of generosity, which allowed us to get this point. What we showed this evening as value s, it’s going to be the basis for the last 8 challenges ahead of us”.

Operation maintenance is launched, the Girondins are not dead?

David Guion : “I’ve always thought so. I didn’t wait for this match to believe in maintaining it, I’ve been telling you since I arrived. I know my players, I know how we worked. It’s true that coming draw, with the French champions, 10 against 11 for an hour, I hope that will bring confidence. This clean sheet after which the players have been chasing since the start of the season will also prove to them, that “with this solidarity, this communication, and above all mutual aid, we are able to go to the champion of France without taking a goal”.

It is now necessary to continue, to reconnect with success. Do you need to regain offensive efficiency for this?

David Guion : “In the first half hour, we were on an equal footing with this Lille team. We even caused them problems, while keeping a good balance, it was really interesting. We will have to rely on what the “we did from a value point of view, but that won’t be enough. We now have to have offensive efficiency, obviously, but it’s a little easier at 11 against 11. We need “to have a group concerned, to have competition. Tonight, boys scored points”.

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As soon as the match was over, your players were at the foot of the stand where your supporters had taken their place. Was it important?

David Guion : “Yes, it’s important. We have to stay united, together, with our supporters. Once again, they were great, they made the trip, many of them came to Lille. We know that the ‘we have loyal supporters, it’s also up to us to win them back, and it’s true that by showing and displaying qualities like this evening, I think that they are proud of their players. I especially hope that they are going to be proud, in the matches that are going to come, because now they have to advance with victories and with three points, to leave this last place”.

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