We have been there since 7:30 am!
In front of the Beaublanc Sports Park ticket office, spectators patiently wait their turn in an endless line. Barely three hours after the ticket office opens, the last seats are snapping up like hot cakes. El Adji is one of the lucky holders of the precious sesame, “We have been there since 7:30 am, we have waited a long time but we have our place, we are very happy!” A few seconds later, Adrien and Mathis (see photo), tickets in hand, savor, “It is the price to pay to attend this meeting. We waited a long time but it does not matter.”
Unfortunately not all spectators were so lucky. Many waited, in vain. Coming from Bourges, this OM supporter is disgusted:“here, _2 hours by car, plus 2h30 of waiting in the rain and I have no place_. If we have to come back again tomorrow and Sunday for the game it will cost me a fortune. Therefore…” Among the disappointed crowd, Jean-Luc does not take offense:“In the end we waited for nothing. This is not a serious organization!” Laurent arrives from Angoulême to buy tickets. He does not understand why the number of spectators has been limited to 5,000 when the measure concerning the gauges does not come into force until Monday, the day after the match. For its part, the prefecture of Haute-Vienne specifies that it is awaiting a decision from the French Football Federation to increase or not the number of authorized places. What a mess!
The leaders of Chauvigny are now awaiting the green light from the authorities to set up a new ticket office tomorrow Thursday. They invite spectators to go to the club’s website to find out how.