Football: A referee and a player as a couple after meeting on … a field!

It is often said that football can be a source of tension within a couple, but for Shona Shukrula and Jeff Hardeveld, it’s quite the opposite ! Indeed, the two lovers met directly on a field, which is not usual for a professional player. Yes, but there you go, Shona is a professional referee and she met her new boyfriend in a Dutch second division game.

“It’s official”, rejoiced the young woman on Instagram to announce the good news to her 27,000 subscribers with a publication where we can see her in the arms of her lover. Obviously very happy, she published four photos of herself and Jeff Hardeveld during a romantic stay in Rome. The 30-year-old has not disclosed the beginnings of their meeting, but the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf has made some revelations about their story. According to their information, Shona Shukrula took part, as fourth referee, in a match of Emmen, the club of her new darling, last August. It was then that the two lovebirds saw each other for the first time. For the record, the 26-year-old left-back was sent off during the match!

A couple who fascinate the Dutch press since Shona is a small star in the world of football and on social networks. FIFA referee since 2017, the young woman has taken precautions in informing the Dutch federation of her relationship, in order to avoid any conflict of interest. “Shona Shukrula will not be assigned to games that Jeff Hardeveld participates in. That is all. Their relationship is not a problem for us. We wish them all the best in the world.”, a spokesperson for the federation told the daily Algemeen Dagblad.

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