Food: thousands of products are recalled each year from supermarkets


France 2

Article written by Florival, A.Etienne, M.Justet, R.Massini, Y.Moine, F.Decominck, L.Latour – France 2

France Televisions

The recent scandal that affected pizzas Buitoni and the chocolates Does Kinder mean that let’s put-we more our health in danger? Are product recalls more frequent than you might think?

Cheese, salad, scallops, … After the pizza Buitoni and the chocolates Ferrero, the recall of products follows one another. Should we be worried about it? In Strasbourg, (Bas-Rhin)the consumers are, in any case, more vigilant. “Yes, I check“, says a consumer. It becomes a reflex, we pay much more attention to everythingthat we bought“, continues a man

Product recalls are a common practice in supermarkets, sometimes for sanitary reasons, other times for defects. Since March 2021, 4,461 products have thus been taken off the shelves, mainly because of the bacteria. Of these recalls, 160 were for a labeling issue, and 45 for the bacterium E. coli. Withdrawals which are not more numerous but more publicized, according to a great expert consumption.

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