Food stores: just-in-time supply


Article written by

G. de Florival, N. Picard, A. Richier, B. Briffaut, R. Chapelard, F. Bazille, C. de Chassey – France 2

France Televisions

For the moment, there is still no question of a re-containment. But supermarkets are already worried about teleworking customers emptying their shelves, and they are not sure they can keep up.

In recent weeks, there has been more and more pressure on commodities: wheat, milk, butter. And at the end of the chain, stores are starting to have delivery delays. Among the products with the highest breakage rates in recent months, toilet paper at 10.9%. The fresh pasta is 8.6% and the concentrate of tomatoes at 8.3%. The cause is very poor cereal harvests, especially in recent months, and increased global demand.

Consumption at home is higher than it was before the crisis. Results : production lines are overheating. However, consumers should not worry, at the risk of causing tensions, reassure Yves Puget, expert consumption for magazine LSA. According to a study, these breaks are expected to result in a loss of 3.5 billion euros for distributors and suppliers this year.


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