food security threatened in several African countries


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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For several weeks, cereals have been lacking in Africa. The continent, very dependent on Russians and Ukrainians for its wheat imports, suffered the full brunt of the consequences of the war.

Patiently, they wait for a food distribution. In an isolated village in western Kenya, the inhabitants no longer have enough to eat. “I can barely feed my children because food is so scarce”, laments one of them. A food crisis reinforced by the war in Ukraine. So far, the country mattered 45% Russian and Ukrainian wheat, but the cessation of grain exports has put a considerable brake on its sources of supply. Moreover, Kenya is far from alone in this situation.

No less than 25 African countries import more than a third of their wheat from Russia and Ukraine. Two countries even display total dependence. Indeed, Benin imports 100% Russian wheat and Somalia gets 70% from Ukraine and 30% from Russia. The only glimmer of hope: the end of the blockade, decided the week of Monday, July 18 by the two warring powers, averts the risk of famine on a world scale.

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