Food: how will we be fed in 2050?


Article written by

J.Lonchampt, R.Mathé, A.Tribouart, E.Revidon – France 2

France Televisions

There will soon be eight billion people to feed. An ongoing revolution will have to find multiple responses to food emergencies. How to find the production path? With what resources?

What will our meals look like in 20 or 30 years? In 2050, to feed the planet, the revolution could take place on our plates. What if tomorrow, as a meal, we had a single capsule, a chocolate bar, powder, or a simple drink? The future may already be on our shelves with bars or drinks rich in vitamins, supposed to replace a meal on their own. One million would be sold in France every month. But this does not appeal to all consumers. “I like good food so this thing… En plus it’s vanilla, it’s disgusting”replies a woman.

But what are these products really worth? A nutritionist in doubt. “There are really a lot of elements that are not healthy”comments Jacques Fricker, nutritionist who specifies a risk of overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and cancers. To feed 10 billion people in 2050, a Finnish start-up may have found the solution: a protein in the form of yellow powder produced by bacteria nurturing and water.

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