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Refreshing, sweet, orange or yellow, the melon is on almost every table this summer. It is still necessary to choose it well, and to know how to sort between the different varieties and the multiple appellations. Investigation.
The melon is a summer staple, but choosing the right one is always a challenge. Between the different origins and varieties, or even the multiple labels, hard sometimes to meet there. Buy francid all the year is thus not so simple. On the border between Vendée and Charente, the melon harvest is well underway at Vincent Rolleauproducer. But Charentais-type fruit is not necessarily produced in Charente: the word indicates a species, not a geographical origin. “We talk about Charentais melon like we can talk about button mushrooms”he compares. For the profession, the name must evolve, to help consumers find their way around. For the moment, only the Label Rouge guarantees a melon of superior quality.
As for the choice of melon, what are the criteria? “The more important is the weight! The heavier it is, the sweeter it is. We must also look at the small peduncle, the small stem. It has to be detached to be sure that it is fully ripe. And then trust your sense of smell.”recommends journalist Chloé Tixier, present, Tuesday, August 23, on the set from 13 hours. Same principle for peaches and strawberries. For the watermelons, “You have to hit it. (…) If it sounds hollow, the watermelon is good to eat”continues the journalist. Finally, for tomatoes, the skin should be smooth and very red. Make sure to keep them at room temperature.