Food | How to change your plate to help the planet

The countdown begins. In order to limit the rise in global temperature, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) lists in its report a series of actions to be taken now. Among them: adopting a “sustainable” diet. Reducing or even eliminating the consumption of red meat can help us achieve this goal. Where to start ? Here are some texts from our archives to enlighten you.

Posted at 2:29 p.m.

Go at your own pace

Overnight, Caroline Huard, alias Loounie, became vegan. The young woman, who now earns her living with plant-based cuisine, is aware of the efforts needed to make this radical change. To those who are thinking of changing their eating habits, she offers, in all kindness, to go at their own pace. One small change at a time, to lay a solid foundation.

Bye bye, red meat!


What is the best diet to help the planet? How do you provide your share with what you find on your plate? To see more clearly, Dominique Maxime, from the International Reference Center for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes and Services (CIRAIG), compares the standard omnivorous diet to different options: the flexitarian diet, the vegetarian diet and, finally, the vegan diet and its impact on our carbon footprint.

Why become vegan?

The change to veganism is very personal to everyone. Eve Marie Gingras, who became vegan in 2011, recounts her journey in comics How (and why) I became vegan. She explains her process to us.

Delicious homemade veggie dumplings


There are several ways to make homemade veggie meatballs.

Do veggie burgers make you drool? Lots of options are available at the grocery store, but why not make your own dumpling? Based on black beans, chickpeas or sweet potatoes, there are many options that will make your burger a real success!

Dietary shifts to undertake

All over the world, top restaurants are eliminating meat from their menus. Websites also remove this ingredient from their recipes. And in Quebec? The movement is more timid. While many restaurants still offer carnivorous dishes, several vegetarian offers are appearing.

Meat, but not just anyhow!

Not ready to give up meat, but still want to join in the effort? There are many tricks to reduce your footprint. Reduce your portions, have meat on the menu less often, diversify your proteins… like insects! A trend that is likely to increase.

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