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After pasta, oil and butter, fish prices have also been rising steadily for several weeks, due to the energy crisis linked to the conflict in Ukraine. Report in Dieppe, in Seine-Maritime, where fishmongers and restaurateurs are also suffering from this increase.
This is a new product that sees its price increase: Fish. On the market stalls, sole and salmon whose price has doubled, or cod, much more expensive than before, are holding back consumers. “Yes, I’m careful now”says a customer. Another decreased the frequency of his purchases: “Once in a while to have fun (…) not every week anyway”he nods. The consumption habits of this dishes are changing.
If fishermen are forced to increase their rates, it is because of the price of diesel, because sea trips are now more expensive to cause of very high price of hydrocarbons. “We pay more, we sell more”simply explains a fishmonger. If consumers buy less, they also order much less. For restaurants specializing in fish, the problem is the same and professionals must adapt.