Food: faced with rising prices, the solution of local pickings


Article written by

L.Legendre-Trousset, A.Sarlat, M.Le Rue – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with inflation, to lower your receipt, there is a solution: go pick your own fruits and vegetables from a local producer. Report in Chanteloup-en-Brie, in Seine-et-Marne.

To Chanteloup-en-Brie (Seine et Marne)picking Plessis is a farm where you can come and pick your own fruits and vegetables which attracted more and more customers. The price per kilo of apples is set at a maximum of 2.20 euros. Families are stocking up for the start of the school year. “Today, in supermarkets, we see that everything is increasing”testifies a father, who says he comes to the farm for reasonable prices.

To picking the Plessiswe trade shopping carts for wheelbarrows. An initiative that has found its audience. “We come straight to the source. (…) It has an interest in quality, price and knowledge of what we eat”says Thibault Cozónmarket gardener picking the Plessis. This year, with favorable weather and rising prices, picking attendance increased by 5%. At the checkout, the wheelbarrows are full.

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