“Food-court”, on the occasion of the opening of a food temple in Paris

A new food-court has just opened in Paris, at the end of October, Food Society, in Montparnasse. Something to whet Thierry Marx’s radio appetite.

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3500 square meters for a temple of fast food, the Food Society has just opened in Paris. 15 styles of catering, a place open 7 days a week, to eat as you wish. Some chefs have set up their own corner there, such as Adrien Cachot or Mory Sacko.

Is this abundance compatible with quality? Thierry Marx appreciates, in any case: “Inspired by Asia, these food-courts should be a place for all regions to express themselves, not just foreign ones. On quality, you have to see how the products are sourced, what agriculture they come from, but I think that these young chefs will be keen to offer good products that are pleasant to eat and pleasant to pay for.”

What does this practice say about our relationship to food? Undoubtedly a form of nomadism of society. The markers have changed, they are no longer fixed either by place or by time. We eat when we feel like it, and we somewhat lose the notion of sharing and commensality.

We arrive, we sit down, we scan a QR code to choose, and an SMS warns us when the tray is ready. “There is no severance of the bond with the cook, reassures Thierry Marx. We will still see the hand that feeds us. I think we have to be benevolent with these establishments which offer access to a new gastronomy.”

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