Food: a well-deserved IGP for cancoillotte


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Report Franche-Comté Region N. Gobron, L. Brocard, E. Dubuis – France 3

France Televisions

In Besançon, in the Doubs, cancoillotte is a cheese that has made the region famous. It is now recognized as a protected geographical indication. A long fight for the sector which finally obtains its name.

“It is important these days (…) to preserve our know-how, our territories”, testifies a customer from the Besançon market (Doubs). Here, many are delighted with the new status of the cancoillotte. The cheese has just obtained a protected geographical indication. A true institution of Franche-Comté, the cancoillottethanks to this new protection, will have to be produced in this region. This is also the case for the raw material, metton.

If consumers are happy, so are the artisan cheesemakers who produce their own cheese. They have the impression of finally seeing their work recognized. “Making metton and cancoillotte is a lot of work, it’s fine-tuning, regularity”explains Pascal Colas, cheese maker. In total, 20 professionals of this cheese had put together a file to obtain this appellation. For them, it is the culmination of many years of work and a certain form of recognition.

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