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Teams from France Télévisions were present, Sunday, April 24, with activists from the National Rally. Despite their disappointment, they will accompany Marine Le Pen in the new battle of the legislative elections.
At the headquarters of the Rassemblement National, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the time is remobilizationMonday, April 25. All are now aiming for the legislative elections. “There will be National Rally candidates everywhere.warns Jordan Bardellathe chairman of the party. Gilles Pennellaregional councilor of the Rassemblement National de Bretagne, explains that special attention will be paid “to the 27 departments where Marine Le Pen comes first“.
When Emmanuel Macron’s victory was announced, activists did not hide their disappointment. A feeling shared in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais)in the constituency of Marine Le Pen. “I believed it. Around me, colleagues, friends, their families, I heard that”says an activist. At the Tribune, Marine Le Pen re-motivated her troops for the legislative elections, officially announcing that she was embarking on the “great electoral battle”.