Following heavy rains, cases of leptospirosis are increasing in La Réunion

The Regional Health Agency warns of a sharp increase in cases of leptospirosis in Reunion. Since the beginning of the year, 99 cases have been reported, 18 people hospitalized in intensive care and one person has died.

Since the beginning of the year, cases of leptospirosis have exploded in Reunion. This Tuesday, April 19, the Regional Health Agency warns of this sharp increase. One person died of the disease, and 18 people were hospitalized in intensive care.

A total of 99 cases have been reported, including 43 in March and 35 cases in April. Last year, 74 cases of leptospirosis were reported during the same period, requiring hospitalization for the majority of them. In previous years, more than fifty cases were recorded each year.

The heavy rains of the past weeks may explain this increase in leptospirosis cases. The authorities are calling for vigilance. The rainy season is the period most at risk with temperatures and rainfall favorable to the survival in the environment of the bacteria responsible for this disease.

This disease is contracted in fact in contact with a humid environment contaminated mainly by rat urine (mud, puddles, etc.).

“The activities of cleaning yards and gardens without sufficient protection (boots, gloves, etc.) or swimming in fresh water after heavy rains are therefore particularly at risk”recalls the ARS.

The vast majority of cases identified on the island are related to the practice of activity:

  • gardening and breeding 7 la kour 9,
  • leisure activities in fresh water (fishing, swimming in the river or pool, white water sports)

Most of the people had unprotected wounds, or did not have sufficient protection (boots, gloves, goggles, overalls, etc.)

Leptospirosis is a serious disease. If not treated in time, it can lead to hospitalization or even death. The bacterium enters the body through the skin in the event of cuts or wounds (even small ones).

After a few days of incubation, leptospirosis is manifested by the following symptoms (which can be easily confused with dengue fever or a Covid-19 infection): sudden high fever (often > 38.5°C), muscle pain and joints, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache. If not treated in time with antibiotics, it can be fatal.

As soon as signs evoking leptospirosis appear in the days following the practice of a risky activity, you must consult your doctor and inform him of the activities carried out.

Simple measures make it possible to effectively limit the risks of contamination:

  • Apply individual protection measures: · use appropriate equipment (wearing gloves, boots, coveralls, etc.) · protect and disinfect wounds · postpone leisure activities in fresh water in the event of cloudy water · do not walk barefoot or in slippers in stagnant or muddy water
  • Fight against rats: maintain your yard regularly (no bulky items or waste conducive to the proliferation of rats, etc.) eliminate all food sources (including animal food scraps)
  • Respect bathing bans in places marked at risk.

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