follow the speech of the King of England to parliamentarians in the Senate

The king continues his visit to France. Charles III is expected at the Senate gallery, Thursday September 21, from 11 a.m., for a speech in front of nearly 300 senators and deputies gathered in the hemicycle. This is a first for a British sovereign, because, in 2004, his mother, Elizabeth II, had to be content with the Senate conference room. Follow our live stream.

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A busy day. At noon, King Charles III, accompanied by Queen Camilla and French First Lady Brigitte Macron, will meet young people from Saint-Denis on the theme of sport. He will visit the cathedral of Saint-Denis, a masterpiece of Gothic art and the final resting place of the kings of France. He will continue his visit with a passage in front of Notre-Dame de Paris, at 2:45 p.m., before a round table devoted to climate at the National Museum of Natural History, which he will conclude with a speech scheduled for 3:40 p.m.

Direction Bordeaux on Friday. POn the third and final day of their state visit, the royal couple will travel to Gironde. He will visit the frigate there HMS Iron Dukea Royal Navy boat, in Bordeaux, as well as an experimental forest in Floirac, before ending with a visit to the Château Smith Haut Lafitte wine estate, in Martillac.

A dinner in Versailles to reconnect. The British sovereign took advantage of the dinner organized in Versailles on Wednesday evening to demonstrate his desire to strengthen Franco-British friendship. “It is up to us all to reinvigorate our friendship so that it can meet the challenges of this 21st century”launched the King of England in French, after the turbulence of Brexit.

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