follow the military parade on the Champs-Elysées, with India as guest of honor

A 14-July under close surveillance. After the riots which ignited France following the death of Nahel during a police check in Nanterre, an “exceptional device” of 130,000 police officers and gendarmes is mobilized throughout the territory, Friday, on the occasion of the National Day. The fear of a new outbreak of violence has decided some municipalities to cancel the fireworks and the various festivities. In Paris, on the Champs-Elysées, the traditional military parade this year has India as guest of honor. An event to follow live from 6:15 a.m. on France 2 in a special program presented by Julian Bugier, as well as on franceinfo.

The Indian army represented on the Champs-Elysées. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the military parade on the Champs-Elysées on Friday morning with Emmanuel Macron, before an official dinner at the Louvre Museum. The military parade on foot will be opened by 240 members of Indian Armed Forces. And the air parade will include three Indian Rafales, according to the Elysée. Paris and New Delhi are celebrating the 25th anniversary of their strategic partnership this year, which France aims to strengthen in order to weigh in the Asia-Pacific zone.

People from different walks of life. Astronaut Thomas Pesquet will be present alongside military civil security formations, with an evacuation exercise in Paris. As for the Patrouille de France, it will carry an exceptional guest, Clarisse Agbégnénou, crowned world judo champion in May for the sixth time in her career and policeman.

No speech by Emmanuel Macron. While the President of the Republic had resumed in 2022 with the traditional interview of July 14, the Elysée announced that the Head of State would not speak on this occasion, specifying however that it is expected that he speaks “in the next few days”.

Police and gendarmes deployed on the ground. The Minister of the Interior announced on Wednesday the deployment of “130,000 police and gendarmes”, “specially equipped and organized to carry out the fight against urban violence”. Gérald Darmanin specified that this mechanism also involved “the Raid, the GIGN, the BRI, the helicopters of the national gendarmerie, the drones”. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had already promised “massive means to protect the French” and prohibits the sale of artificial mortars to individuals.

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