follow the interview with Jordan Bardella, head of the National Rally list, on franceinfo from 8:30 a.m.

The president of the RN and head of the list in the European elections in June is the guest of “Demain l’Europe”, Friday March 22 on franceinfo. Jordan Bardella answers questions from Jean-Rémi Baudot and Agathe Lambret with two European journalists: Britta Sandberg, German journalist, director of the Spiegel bureau in France, and Paolo Levi, Italian journalist, correspondent for the Ansa agency in France. Follow our live stream.

The RN wants to vote “a midterm election”. Jordan Bardella, 28, leads the RN list given the wide favorite of the June election in the polls. Since the meeting which launched its campaign, in Marseille, Sunday March 3, the RN has rolled out its favorite themes, agricultural crisis and immigration at the top. The RN wants to vote “a midterm election”, “the only opportunity to sanction Emmanuel Macron’s policy”.

For a “European alliance of nations”. Far from the “Frexit” once defended by his party and a referendum for leaving Europe, Jordan Bardella now proposes “a European alliance of nations” and ensures that it can “transform Europe from within”.

A crucial vote before the 2027 presidential election. Jordan Bardella has a double ambition: to come first and do at least as well as in the last European elections, in 2019. The list he led won 23.34% of the votes ahead of Renaissance (22.42%) and Europe Ecologie -The Greens (13.48%). The opportunity for the RN to gauge itself before the 2027 presidential election, in the event of a fourth candidacy from Marine Le Pen. The opportunity, also, for Jordan Bardella to measure his popularity, he who patiently cultivates his image.

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