follow the interview with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise, guest of “L’Evénement” on France 2 at 9:10 p.m.

What there is to know

Jean-Luc Mélenchon makes his media return to France 2 from the territorial collectivity of Guyana, which had been favorable to him in the first round of the presidential election. The leader of La France insoumise (LFI) will address various topical issues during this interview with Caroline Roux: pension reform, immigration, climate crisis, international, energy, health, or even the turmoil experienced internally by his party. Follow our live.

Ready to fight against the pension reform. After Elisabeth Borne’s announcements on Tuesday evening, Jean-Luc Mélenchon likened the pension reform to a “social decline”. He denounces the removal of “all the social conquests of all the professions that had them, except firefighters and police officers. We have maintained a situation of injustice for all those who do not have full careers and we will have to work longer.” On Twitter, he has already relayed the call for the strike and the demonstrations of January 19 everywhere in France and the march of January 21, in Paris, at the initiative of youth organizations.

Alert on climate change. Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s visit to French Guiana aims in particular to raise awareness of the climate emergency. The Amazonian forest, weakened by intensive deforestation and global warming, covers 95% of the total area of this French territory and has become the symbol of the ecological fight. Quoted by AFP, ihe pleads “so that France takes its full place as an Amazonian nation in the international fight against global warming and the decline in biodiversity (…) at the time of President Lula’s taking office in Brazil”.

France rebellious in the midst of a crisis. Jean-Luc Mélenchon must also discuss the internal situation of his party plagued by multiple dissensions. Between the Adrien Quatennens case, convicted of domestic violence, and the appointment of a new leadership around Manuel Bompard, decried by several major figures of the LFI, the party is going through a turbulent period.

The “contempt” of the Republic for overseas. Jean-Luc Mélenchon has always placed himself as a defender of the territories abandoned, according to him, by the Republic. He believes that Guyana is a striking example of macronie’s disinterest in overseas territories. This region of which 53% of the population lives below the poverty line, according to the observatory of inequalities and 45% of Guyanese do not have running hot water in their homes.

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