follow the interview of Valérie Pécresse, guest of the “Presidential Matins” from 7 am to 9 am on franceinfo

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Valérie Pécresse is the guest of Franceinfo’s “presidential mornings”, Monday January 10 from 7 am to 9 am. An unprecedented meeting in which candidates for the presidential election 2022 detail their program in turn in front of Marc Fauvelle, Salhia Brakhlia and the editorial experts. Two hours face to face for the candidate invested by The Republicans and with questions from listeners to take the time to understand, detail and question her presidential project.

Less than 100 days before the first round of the 2022 presidential election, Valerie Pécresse seeks to take the advantage in the match between the right and the far right to reach the second round. Behind Emmanuel Macron, at the head of the voting intentions (26%), the LR candidate at the Elysee is 16%, neck and neck with Marine Le Pen (17%), while the candidate Reconquest! Eric Zemmour seems left behind (12%), according tohe Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey for franceinfo and The Parisian-Today in France.

Valérie Pécresse wishes to reiterate the success of his nomination as candidate The Republicans for the presidential election. While it was less well placed than its main rival, Xavier Bertrand, in opinion polls, it is she who was designated by the vote of the LR members. To win once again, the one who was re-elected president of the Ile-de-France region in 2021 will need to continue to bring together her political family but also to convince the hesitant tempted by Eric Zemmour or Marine Le Pen.

To stand out in this very close match, Valérie Pécresse sought to put security back at the center of the presidential campaign, promising to bring out the Kärcher (…) Handed over to the cellar by François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron for ten years “. One way of claiming the legacy of the Sarkozy years and a call of the foot towards an electorate sensitive to security issues. Firm on the regal, Valérie Pécresse is liberal on the economy. Never stingy with a good formula, she defines herself as “one-third Thatcher, two-thirds Merkel”. “Lifelong Gaullist”, this “lady of doing” describes her doctrine as follows: “a good dose of authority, a good dose of freedom and an important part of justice”.

Valérie Pécresse has promised to be “a president and conductor“, as opposed to the presidency “soloist” exercised by Emmanuel Macron. After his controversial statements about the unvaccinated, she accused him the same day of being “a pyromaniac president”. During the campaign for LR’s presidential nomination, she kept repeating that he “burnt the box”. The day she won the LR nomination for the presidential election, she therefore promised to “straighten out France’s finances”.

Valérie Pécresse has not always had a tooth so hard against Emmanuel Macron. In 2017, if she criticized her “angelism”, especially on “Security” and “communitarianism”, she observed that“at this stage, he embodies the presidential function” and that’“he took on the costume internationally”. “On the economy, he is making reforms that the right wanted to make and that it has never done”, she added. What feed the trial in compatibility with Emmanuel Macron that some of his detractors make him. “Valérie Pécresse, it’s Macron in a petticoat”, declares Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy and spokesperson for Marine Le Pen, on franceinfo, in the wake of his inauguration by LR for the presidential election.

Valérie Pécresse also denounces sexism who reigns in politics, especially in a book published in 2007, Being a politician, you know it’s not that easy. “I think of all the women of France today”, she declared in her victory speech, at the end of the LR congress, stressing that “for the first time in its history”, her “political family will acquire a candidate for the presidential election”.

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