follow the first speech of the president since the adoption of the pension reform

What there is to know

Emmanuel Macron facing the challenge. After a sixth evening of spontaneous mobilizations against the pension reform, the President of the Republic speaks for the first time since the adoption of the text. Questioned by journalists Marie-Sophie Lacarrau and Julian Bugier, Wednesday March 22, in the 1 p.m. newspapers of TF1 and France 2, the Head of State is eagerly awaited. His intervention takes place on the eve of a ninth day of mobilization. Follow our live.

>> Follow live the latest information on the pension reform

Words that do not pass. During a speech to the parliamentarians of the majority invited to the Elysée Palace on Tuesday, the Head of State estimated that “the crowd” who manifests has “no legitimacy in the face of the people who express themselves through their elected representatives”. Olivier Marleix, the leader of the LR deputies, believes thata president should not “not to give the feeling of throwing oil on the fire”.

Emmanuel Macron remains inflexible. “The riot does not prevail over the representatives of the people”he also said. “In a democracy, it is not because a text passes by very few votes that it is illegitimate”, continued the Head of State. According to participants in a meeting at the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron does not envisage either withdrawal, reshuffle or dissolution of the National Assembly.

New day of mobilization Thursday. “Nothing undermines the determination of the workers”, warned the CGT, before a new day of action on Thursday, at the call of all the unions. The RATP foresees traffic “very disturbed” in transport in the capital and its inner suburbs. Ditto for trains at the national level, for the SNCF. In addition, around 12% of service stations in France have run out of petrol or diesel, and 6% have run out.

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