follow the debate of the candidates for the post of first secretary

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8:53 p.m. : Nathalie Saint-Cricq, who co-hosts the debate tonight, recalls the issues on the franceinfo Twitch channel and summarizes the crisis experienced in recent years by the Socialist Party. “I started [à suivre le PS]we were at 200,000 PS activists, today we are at 20,000”recalls the editorialist.

8:42 p.m. : Before the debate on franceinfo, journalists Myriam Bounafaa and Jean-Baptiste Marteau take you behind the scenes on the franceinfo Twitch channel. Note that they will also host a live after the debate, during which the three candidates will answer questions from Internet users.

8:39 p.m. : On paper, Olivier Faure is the favorite in this internal election, but everyone wants to take his place. The first secretary also knows that the Nupes agreement harmed certain socialists during the legislative elections. He fears that his two opponents are surfing on the anger of a party of militants, as told Le Figaro (paid link).

8:39 p.m. : Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol tries to embody a third way, as related Release. He pleads for another union of the left. “The objective is to put the PS back at the heart of the left and the left at the heart of France”explained the mayor of Rouen in front of activists gathered yesterday in Paris.

8:38 p.m. : The election of the first secretary of the PS can be summed up in a referendum for or against the alliance of Nupes. Olivier Faure will defend his record by highlighting in particular the fact of having succeeded in forming a group of 30 deputies in the Assembly, thanks to the Nupes. Opposite, Hélène Geoffroy wants to suspend the participation of the PS in Nupes, believing that the party at the Rose is threatened. “We dissolved into the sound and fury of LFI”declares the elected socialist.

8:38 p.m. : Some 41,000 socialist members “are called to vote on January 12 and 19” for the next PS congress, explains the party’s National Membership Office. The results will be officially announced at the Marseille congress, scheduled for January 27-29.

8:36 p.m. : Olivier Faure, the outgoing first secretary, Hélène Geoffroy, mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin, and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, mayor of Rouen, are expected on franceinfo (type 27 on your remote control) from 9 p.m. They will notably discuss their positions on the energy crisis, ecology, the war in Ukraine, but also on the political strategy to be adopted for the PS.


8:34 p.m. : Hello Alice! And good evening to all. We meet again this evening to follow the debate between the three candidates for the post of first secretary of the Socialist Party. Break out the popcorn!

8:34 p.m. : I am pleased to welcome in this live my comrade Clément Parrot to follow with me the debate of the candidates for the head of the Socialist Party, which will begin at 9 p.m., on franceinfo.

7:28 p.m. : What to watch on television tonight? Here are some suggestions:

• Fan of French songs? France 3 devotes a documentary in Sheila, yeye years icon. It’s at 9:10 p.m.

• Canal+ broadcasts comedy Champagne! with among others Elsa Zylberstein, François-Xavier Demaison and Stéphane De Groodt.

• And you can of course follow the debate of the candidates for the head of the PS, on franceinfo and in our live, at 9 p.m.

7:19 p.m. : During this debate, it will be question in particular of the maintenance of the PS in Nupes. If Olivier Faure defends this agreement, his opponent Hélène Geoffroy is firmly opposed to this alliance. She has already announced that she will suspend the party’s participation in Nupes if she wins.

7:16 p.m. : Six days before the first round of the election of the first secretary of the Socialist Party, franceinfo channel 27 is organizing a debate at 9 p.m. between the three candidates in the running: Olivier Faure, outgoing first secretary, Hélène Geoffroy, mayor of Vaulx-en- Velin and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, mayor of Rouen. You will be able to follow the exchanges in our direct.

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