follow the debate between the heads of the lists from 8:40 p.m. on France 2

It’s almost time to choose. Five days before the European elections on June 9, the 16 main list leaders will debate live, Tuesday June 4, on France 2 and simultaneously on France Inter from 8:40 p.m. Two debates on the show “L’Evénement”, hosted by journalist Caroline Roux, will be organized successively, with eight candidates each time. The evening will begin with Jordan Bardella (National Rally), Valérie Hayer (Renaissance), Raphaël Glucksmann (Socialist Party-Public Square), François-Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains), Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), Marion Maréchal (Reconquête), Marie Toussaint (Les Ecologistes-EELV) and Léon Deffontaines (French Communist Party). Follow our live stream.

A second debate from 10:20 p.m. The latter will bring together eight other heads of the list: Nathalie Arthaud (Workers’ Struggle), François Asselineau (Republican Popular Union), Jean-Marc Governatori (Ecology at the center), Guillaume Lacroix (Radical Left Party), Pierre Larrouturou (Nouvelle Donne), Jean Lassalle (Rural Alliance), Florian Philippot (Les Patriotes) and Hélène Thouy (Animalist Party).

The RN at the top of the polls. Given between 32 and 33% of voting intentions, Jordan Bardella is well ahead of Valérie Hayer’s list (between 14% and 16%), according to the various opinion surveys. The head of the Renaissance list is closely followed by the representative of the Socialist Party, Raphaël Glucksmann, whom polling institutes credit with between 13% and 14% of voting intentions.

Ask for the programs! French voters are called to the polls to choose the 81 deputies they will send to the European Parliament. Defense, future of the European Union, climate… We have examined the programs of the seven lists given above 5% voting intentions, the minimum threshold for sending MEPs to Strasbourg.

source site-29