follow the announcements of Emmanuel Macron during this meeting boycotted by a collective of associations

What there is to know

Emmanuel Macron will speak, Wednesday, April 26, at the 6th National Handicap Conference (CNH), a meeting boycotted by the Handicaps Collective which denounces “a lack” of ambition. The President of the Republic must announce 70 measures “strong”, according to the Elysée. Follow our live.

The Handicaps Collective boycotts the meeting. The Collectif Handicaps, which brings together 52 associations, regrets a “lack of coordination”, and will boycott this meeting. The collective thus criticizes the organization of this conference for its “lack of coordination” and his “apparent lack of ambition”. “We have been working for six months, there have been working groups, 500 people who have consulted each other”, defended herself, the Minister Delegate for People with Disabilities. Geneviève Darrieussecq, guest of “Four Truths”, on France 2.

The Elysée promises 70 “strong measures”. These measures will determine disability policies over the next three years, with “immediate involvement over the next three years” on the lives of the 12 million French people affected by disabilities and 8 million caregivers, according to the Elysée. Established by the law of 2005 and organized every three years, the CNHs set the course for public disability policies.

Many attendees. A total of 27 members of the government, including Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, elected officials, local authorities, administrations, associations, companies, unions are expected at the Elysée. The presidency specifies that the event was prepared for six months, over forty meetings, with 500 speakers.

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